Health Education - Igerera B - Namutumba

Visit by Irene Nakibirango on 2020-12-14

Report ID
Created by
Irene Nakibirango
Created date
2020-12-15 10:10:54 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2021-02-11 13:02:40 UTC
Trip Time
10:45-17:48 (7 h 3 m)
Village Time
12:57-15:10 (2 h 13 m)
Travel Time
4 h 50 m

Health Education Lesson

Health Education 
Lesson Taught
Lesson 20: Maternal 
Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Irene went to Igerera B to continue with the gender roles and responsibilities but she decided to end the year with a door to door visit to the different homes, checking on the hygiene,observing for nutrition,pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and the general community health lifestyle. Irene visited different homes in the lower section of Igerera B where she met several mothers who were from their gardens and others had left for the routine antenatal visits. Aisha one of the mothers that Irene talked to came to Irene with her antenatal book asking for a few questions about the importance of antenatal visits and why they are requested to go back even after giving birth. Irene gave several explanations and there after explained as to why they needed to go for the visits and take their children for immunization. Irene also talked to the mother about hygiene, and eating a balanced diet especially during pregnancy. Further still Irene talked to several parents in the different homes about their hygiene and food storage since the dry season is setting in as to avoid malnutrition and starvation during the dry season. After the visit Irene asked the VHT to continue with the home visits and encouraging other members to keep their homes clean as she will be resuming their meetings next year. 
Partner Program
Health Education 
Lesson Use Examples
Next Visit
2021-02-15 - Purpose: Irene will be making a recap of the previous lessons.
Program Success
Yes, after the first meeting with the government official, there has been an improvement in the service delivery in the government hospital in Igerera.
Program Critical Needs
Health lessons to sensitize the community
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
The members have gone ahead to build stoves for the other members.
Program Expected Of Village
The VHt to continue monitoring the different homes as discussed
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Prepare the next lesson and call the village for the next appointment

Report Photos

16046 Igerera B: one of the pregnant mothers who came with her antenatal book to ask Irene a few questions about antenatal and other pregnancy related issues.