Community Empowerment - Bulyowa A

Visit by Daina Akurut on 2021-04-23

Report ID
Created by
Daina Akurut
Created date
2021-04-26 06:03:23 UTC
Modified by
Daina Akurut
Modified date
2021-04-27 09:26:52 UTC
Trip Time
10:52-17:30 (6 h 38 m)
Village Time
12:58-15:30 (2 h 32 m)
Travel Time
4 h 6 m

Community Empowerment Lessons

Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Akurut Diana 
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Lesson Taught
Bible Lesson 8: Teaching Children 
Diana went to Bulyowa to teach about Parenting. The community had already gathered and were ready for the lesson. They welcomed me and thanked Kibo for loving them always. Diana thanked them too for keeping time and leaving all their important work to come and attend the community empowerment lessons. Diana asked them what they remember from the previous lesson about Harmony and unity in marriage(communication skills). Mbeiza said she remembers having respect and listening to one another, she also added that there should be trust and love in order for marriage to succeed. Diana thanked her for her brilliant answer. Diana introduced the topic of parenting. She asked them what they understand by parenting, Waiswa said, it is the upbringing children, Carol said it is training up children. Diana thanked them for their good answers. Diana started the lesson by explaining what parenting is, which is, it involves a great deal of consistency and routine which gives children a sense of control. It also focuses on developing independence in children. Parenting actively involves listening to your child, show good judgement and stick to your rules. Diana told them that loving children aids to good development in children. Diana also taught that parenting starts from the time the child is conceived, she told the fathers to always be there for the women when they are pregnant, because these babies feel there presence. Diana demonstrated how men should listen to their babies in the mother’s womb and also speak positive words to them. This caused an applause of laughter, where by Samuel said that, for him his wife can’t allow him to do that , he can end up being slapped by her, which caused another laughter from the group. Diana told the women not to be tough on their husbands, because they need their support in chid upbringing. Micheal requested the wife to come and hug him in public to show that there is peace in his family, the woman shyly came to kneel and hug him, causing the group to “die” with laughter. The Whole group clapped for them. Diana encouraged them to continue with such love and not only in public. Children should see this in their parents, because children imitate what they see. Diana ended there, telling them that the lesson will be continued in the next visit, where we shall look at good and bad parenting. The whole community was happy and requested us to be there for them. They badly needed these lessons and believe that Bulyowa community will change. 
Next Visit
2021-05-07 - Purpose: To teach about good and bad parenting
Program Success
Yes, the people of Bulyowa love the community empowerment lessons
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
The community members keep time and they love the community empowerment lessons.
Other Program Observations
The life skills programs are doing well
Program Expected Of Village
The village needs to come in big numbers, put on masks and keep time.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
The staff needs to prepare lessons

Report Photos

18786 Diana in Bulyowa teaching about Parenting
18789 Diana demonstrating to the community of Bulyowa, how men should talk to their babies in the womb. This was during the parenting lesson.
18792 One of the couple in Bulyowa community demonstrating how she welcomes her husband to ensure peace in her family