Life Skills Education and Counseling - Bulyowa A - Bulyowa Primary School

Visit by Manuela Ongyera on 2021-08-25

Report ID
Created by
Manuela Ongyera
Created date
2021-08-26 05:45:05 UTC
Modified by
Manuela Ongyera
Modified date
2021-08-26 09:12:33 UTC
Trip Time
10:20-17:16 (6 h 56 m)
Village Time
12:38-15:12 (2 h 34 m)
Travel Time
4 h 22 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Bulyowa Primary School 
Lesson Taught
Sex Education 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Ongyera Manuella 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
To educate the participants about what their children develop when they reach certain age and what parents needs to do with their children during that time.
Purpose of the visit, Manuela went to Bulyowa village to teach about Adolescent and Puberty stage among the youth. This lesson is aimed at educating the youth that Adolescent is normal and it doesn’t mean that one is ready for marriage same applies to the parents who force their children to marriage during that time. Manuela met two groups of people and she taught them at intervals, she first taught group Athen later group B. In her class, she started her lesson by reviewing the previous lessons then she proceeded to the new lesson about Adolescent and Puberty stage.while she was teaching she asked the participants that what is Adolescent and what are the physical and biological development do they know that youth do receive during their Puberty stage? Members were able to share their ideas on that. Manuela also asked them what do you think about your child during that time of Adolescent when their children are developing breast, beard, hips and bums,soft voices and deep voices and among others, they said for them they think their daughters and sons are matured and ready for marriage. Manuela told them no , it means their children are growing and they are still young, Manuela encouraged the parents to monitor their children closely because some of the changes and development of Adolescent comes early and later so they should not Blame or insult their children’s slow Adolescent in them. Manuela encouraged the youth to feel free during their Adolescent time, they should asked their parents if they are not comfortable with what they are experiencing. Interesting part of this lesson. Manuela taught the participants with one of her formal students from Bulyowa primary school she is called Maria Naigaga, this girl did a good job she explained all the changes that comes during Adolescent clearly to the participants properly, she promised to be teaching with Manuela each time she comes. in the other group, also one of the Manuela’s students from Bulyowa primary school, she is called Sylvia Nagombi volunteered to evaluate the lesson, she did a good job too, as she was teaching she advised the parents not to be like her late father who use to force her to get married because he wanted to eat the dowry before he dies, she even advised the participants to avoid using vulgar wards for example, she said that some parents tell their daughters look at her big breast , go and get married, look at her bums, she told them to stop because such ward makes them to feel smaller in their own family. participants were very happy about this method of teaching and they encouraged Manuela to go on so that their children can gain public address audiences. Finally Manuela warned parents who force their children to get married simply because they have reached the Adolescent stage, Manuela told them that Adolescent is normal and it’s not time for marriage, she went on and told them to monitor their children during that time and talk to them so that they shouldn’t make mistakes that will cost them a lot. 
Next Visit
2021-09-02 - Purpose: On that day, Manuela will teach about the importance of teaching sex education.
Program Success
Yes, Manuela co teaching with some of her former students who were at Bulyowa primary school.
Program Critical Needs
Manuela needs to continue encouraging the young children to attend Life Skills program.
Program Ownership
Community members keeping their registration book for attendance properly and also managing time.
Other Program Observations
Women in that community are using their stoves properly.
Program Expected Of Village
They will be working on their home on sex education but emphasizing on the Rape.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Manuela will be reading and preparing notes for the next visit.

Report Photos

20598 Bulyowa village, Manuela was co teaching with one of the students about Adolescent and Puberty stage. This girl was explaining all the stages girls go through and she requested the parents to monitor them because some development changes are strange to them. This girl told the participants not to fear their children but they should talk to them.
20601 Bulyowa village, group B, Sylvia Nagombi, was reviewing the lessons taught to access if the community members understood. As she was teaching, she worned parents in Bulyowa to stop insulting and using Vulgar wards towards their children more especially during Adolescent stage.