Life Skills Education and Counseling - Naibowa - new_school

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2021-11-01

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2021-11-02 12:29:32 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2021-12-16 12:42:20 UTC
Trip Time
10:14-17:00 (6 h 46 m)
Village Time
12:05-15:00 (2 h 55 m)
Travel Time
3 h 51 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Lesson Taught
Relationship Skills: Gender Roles 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Class Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, each one knows what their roles and responsibilities are in order to fulfill them.
Lorna went to Naibowa to teach on Gender roles and responsibilities. Under this topic, we look at the different roles and responsibilities of a man and woman in society, in a home so that if they were not fulfilling their roles and responsibilities they needed to start. The meeting however was opened by a word of prayer and thereafter Wilber welcomed everyone to the meeting and he thanked Kibo for these lessons that are changing their lives, homes. He asked the community members to continue practicing whatever they are being taught. Wilber then took the community members through the previous lesson which was on love. He started with the lesson on managing anger and mentioned the different bad things that can happen when we don’t manage our anger properly like killing someone, fighting, divorce, imprisonment among others. He then went on to the topic of love where he asked the community what love was and the different qualities that drew them to their husbands or why they got married to them. Like we saw previously some said they were hardworking, understanding, beautiful among others. Lorna asked them now that they are married do their partners still depict the same qualities some said yes, others kept quiet. Lorna then asked does that mean we stop loving them?, Lorna encouraged them not to focus on the wrongs or short comings but to support their partners because what one focuses on grows whether good or bad. She urged them to keep loving their partners and their children and that love is action not just words. Let’s all fulfill our responsibilities to love and support one another. On the topic of today which was gender roles and responsibilities. We described what Gender is which is a state of being a male or female and there after we looked at the different roles. Lorna asked the women and men of their roles and even children. One girl about 14 years mentioned that her role as a child is to listen to her parents and the elderly people, help them with house chores, support them in everything. Muyodi said as a man his role is to ensure he buys soap, food, provides shelter for his family. Nabirye mentioned that their role and responsibility is to provide sex to their husband and this is both ways . She did not say the word sex exactly but termed it as “ something” because she was shy. Lorna asked what is this something? Which made the community members laugh and Wilber standing up and shying away but I understood what she meant. Lorna mentioned yes this is important. Another woman said her role and responsibility is to support her husband at home. Mwase was happy and responded and said yes that is it. He mentioned that these days women just ask for things they want everything handed to them they are even thieves because instead of building their home , they build their parents homes. He mentioned that why they call them “Bakyala” literally translated to mean women but here it can also mean visitor. He mentioned that the women are visitors in their own homes. Instead of supporting their husbands in the home they do the opposite and then he mentioned that ,that is why sometimes we men find it hard to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. This sparked off a whole different debate men accusing women and vice versa . One man ended up asking what is it that women want?. If they can answer that then the men would perform their roles.It was hilarious. Another lady said her role is to take care of the children , ensure they have eaten are healthy . Isabirye mentioned that women neglect their roles and go to the neighbors for rumors and forget at home their children. He mentioned those are the children who keep eating at the neighbors house, dirty. He urged women to take care of their children. Other roles mentioned to build facilities in the home as men, love and respect their wives, protect, lead, discipline. Women nurture, teach , cook. The meeting was still going on when the weather started to change and it started to pour. The community members ran off and i too ran to the car. We will continue our lesson from there on Monday next week. 
Next Visit
2021-11-08 - Purpose: Continue with lesson on gender roles and responsibilities and introduce the topic Bride Price.
Program Success
More people coming to the meeting
Program Critical Needs
Relationship Skills
Program Ownership
Freely participating without fear
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Invite more people to the meeting
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Call prior and prepare notes

Report Photos

23215 Nabirye in a red tshirt contributing to the topic of today the roles and responsibilities of a man and woman
23227 Wakisos wife also contributing to the topic