Healthy and Safe Kitchens - Nawampiti

Visit by Suzan Winnie on 2021-11-24

Report ID
Created by
Suzan Winnie
Created date
2021-11-26 09:58:32 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2021-12-17 11:13:41 UTC
Trip Time
09:25-17:43 (8 h 18 m)
Village Time
11:34-15:19 (3 h 45 m)
Travel Time
4 h 33 m

Kitchens visit households

Healthy and Safe Kitchens 
Suzan went to the village and carried out a first monitoring and evaluation process. when she arrived, she found some five committee group leaders and among the was the group chairperson who walked with her in different homes. The main purpose of this evaluation was to find out weather the participants were cooking on their fuel efficient stoves on the daily basis and also to if they had maintained other program facilities. In the process, Suzan observed that most homes had greatly improved on their general sanitation and hygiene around their homes and were happily cooking on their fuel saving stoves although other stoves had cracks on them. She encouraged the participants to keep maintaining their facilities by smearing them so that they looked neat and lasted longer. Most kitchens were well smeared and with well constructed strong firewood storages. During the interviews, the women reported that they were enjoying cooking on their new stoves because they cooked food faster, no more smoke inhalation, saved firewood and no more accidents in the kitchens. Suzan was able to evaluate 22 homes that day and planned to complete the remaining homes in the next coming visit. 
Number of Households
Which Survey
Kitchen First Evaluation 
Visits Purpose
To find out weather the community members were cooking on their fuel efficient stoves on a daily basis or had gone back to the traditional three stones open flames. And if they were still facing the same challenges when they were still cooking on the three stones open flames . 
Next Visit
2021-11-29 - Purpose: To finish up evaluation and share findings with the participants.
Program Success
Yes all the women are now cooking on their new improved stoves and have improved in their sanitation and hygiene.
Program Critical Needs
Encourage the participants to maintain their facilities and scale out to the neighboring villages.
Program Ownership
There’s teamwork among the community members and their leaders
Other Program Observations
Most homes have improved on their facilities
Program Expected Of Village
Continue scaling out to the neighboring communities
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Plan to complete the first evaluation and share findings.

Report Photos

24103 Nawampiti. During the evaluation process, Suzan found most kitchens with strong firewood storages stocked with enough firewood on them
24106 Nawampiti. Some fuel efficient stoves had cracked and Suzan encouraged the participants to keep smearing them as well as other facilities so that they look neat and lasted longer.