Health Education - Nawampiti

Visit by Irene Nakibirango on 2022-01-28

Report ID
Created by
Irene Nakibirango
Created date
2022-02-01 06:46:40 UTC
Modified by
Irene Nakibirango
Modified date
2022-02-01 09:57:45 UTC
Trip Time
10:08-17:55 (7 h 47 m)
Village Time
13:06-15:15 (2 h 9 m)
Travel Time
5 h 38 m

Health Education Lesson

Health Education 
Lesson Taught
Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Irene went to Nawampiti to mobilize the members in the lower section,check out on the general hygiene of homes,pregnant mothers,breast feeding mothers,children for hygiene and nutrition. Irene together with the VHT moved from home to home in the lower section that was named section B of the village since the village was divided into two sections A and B,in this section the health education program is targeting 30 house holds since the upper section has more house holds 61 in total which gives a total of 91 homes as per the house holds in this village as for now. Irene moved from home to home informing the members about the new meeting point for the members in their area, explaining the reason for getting them a new meeting point,objectives of the program, reaching out to all the members for their co- operation,turning up in large numbers to learn about their health , inquires on various health issues,pregnant mothers,breastfeeding mothers,children,elderly for advise on prenatal,antenatal,postnatal,hygiene,and nutrition,men,youths,and women informing them that all are welcome to attend. On addition to that Irene also observed several health issues that she advised accordingly,made referrals for immediate attention, like in two homes where she found children with symptoms of malaria but the mothers had bathed them with local herbs and thought that was enough for the fever to come down.Irene advised these mothers to immediately take the children to hospital because Incase the fever goes so high they may convulse which may cause brain damage. Irene informed the members that she will be meeting them on Monday the next week for a lesson and more clarification about the programs encouraging all the members to pass on the communication and come with others. 
Partner Program
Health Education 
Lesson Use Examples
Next Visit
2022-01-31 - Purpose: Irene will be making a review of the previous lessons,and introducing the maternal infant and child health lesson.
Program Success
Members have turned up in big numbers for the Covid vaccine after explaining to them the benefits of immunization during the health lessons.
Program Critical Needs
More mobilization in the lower section.
Program Ownership
Improved hygiene in homes.
Other Program Observations
The members have embraced the stoves that were built and other members have requested the group to build for them after seeing the advantages.
Program Expected Of Village
Mobilize other members to come for the meeting.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Prepare the next lesson and call the village for the next meeting.

Report Photos

25357 Nawampiti village: The mobilizer and Irene talking to some of the community members about the new village approach of health education, having a pit for rubbish,washing the dishes from the dish rack and the Covid 19 vaccination out reach in their village.
25360 Nawampiti village: Irene talking to the mother on how to keep her compound clean and having some trees planted around for a shade