Life Skills Education and Counseling - Naibowa - new_school

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2022-02-23

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2022-02-24 09:10:45 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-02-24 10:20:35 UTC
Trip Time
10:20-17:07 (6 h 47 m)
Village Time
12:06-15:15 (3 h 9 m)
Travel Time
3 h 38 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Lesson Taught
Your Goals 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Class Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the community members know what a goal is, the importance of having goals and practical examples and how to achieve them.
Lorna went to Naibowa village where she was to teach about goal setting. We started with a word of prayer and then the chairman of the meeting briefed the meeting on what happened when we did not meet the past 3 Monday’s where he mentioned as a community they came together and reminded themselves of the previous lessons they had learnt under Life Skills which was really encouraging. After these reviews, Lorna was invited to teach them . Lorna started by greeting the community members and thanked them for accepting to come to the meeting on a Wednesday being that Naibowas meeting days have always been Monday. Lorna explained to them why the meeting was scheduled for today instead of Monday and asked that they bare with her because this was how it was going to stay for a while. After this Lorna mentioned that we were going to look at goal setting. She went ahead and asked the community what a goal is and what the importance of having a goal was. We defined a goal as something one hopes to attain/Achieve. Lorna mentioned the last time we met we talked about everyone having a goal, personally, as a family and as a community. Lorna asked the community members if it was important to have a goal and Mwase mentioned yes when you have a goal, there is something you look forward to that makes you work hard. This was a great answer as this is the Essence of having a goal. Also having goals helps us measure our strength and weakness as it shows you how far one can go or how far you cannot go so that one can work on that. Lorna asked Eunice and Wakiso to take us through short term goals and long term goals. Lorna gave goal worksheets to all the community members present and also handed Eunice and Wakiso after briefing them on what to do following what was on the worksheet. On the worksheet were questions like ; description of goal, benefits of achieving the goal, what are challenges one may face, resources like human resource in helping achieve this goal and time frame . Eunice looked at short term goals while Wakiso long term goals. Eunice mentioned short term goals as goals achieved in a short period of time like ; someone selling charcoal with the goal of after a few months buying 3 pairs of bedsheets where in the long run the bedsheets could improve someone’s marriage. She gave another example of one can rare chicken with the goal of paying their child’s fees. After that she mentioned challenges like maybe the hens get sick or stolen and ones goal of paying their child’s fee is turnished, it does not mean that that goal should be done away with completely but accept the loss and go on with the goal. She added maybe they make a loss while selling charcoal and don’t get the money for buying the 3 pairs of bedsheet, it doesn’t mean that they failed but how can they improve or work better to achieve that goal. Under long term goals Wakiso mentioned that one cannot be 50 and marries a wife hoping to educate their children until they graduate . He mentioned well it’s possible but also unrealistic he encouraged community members to make realistic goals and to start now. He gave another example that if one has land and have children, they hope to educate up to university level, they can plant trees of up to 5 years because trees always have market and they never have to worry about school fees. Another example was building a house where he mentioned one needs to put in mind what are they doing now to be able to reach that goal of building a house. Overall it was a great lesson which got everyone interested and they asked to continue with it in the next meeting. Mwase mentioned that since most of them are farmers, each time one holds a hoe to go and dig, they should have a goal in mind. Isa mentioned that in addition to that, they need to have a time frame for these goals. Mwase will share with us his goal in the next meeting and how he has accomplished some and is on the way to achieving his other goals. 
Next Visit
2022-03-02 - Purpose: Conclude goal setting and teach on causes and dangers of early pregnancy
Program Success
No cases of early pregnancy
Program Critical Needs
Decision Making Skills
Program Ownership
The committee trying everything to get the community members coming for the meeting
Other Program Observations
They community is maintaining their hygiene and sanitation
Program Expected Of Village
Come prepared with the homework given to them and come in big numbers
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Call prior and prepare notes as well

Report Photos

26425 Eunice participating in the lesson of the day
26431 Wakiso participating in the meeting