Healthy and Safe Kitchens - Namusita

Visit by Suzan Winnie on 2022-02-28

Report ID
Created by
Suzan Winnie
Created date
2022-03-03 06:45:00 UTC
Modified by
Suzan Winnie
Modified date
2022-03-03 09:14:21 UTC
Trip Time
09:45-17:16 (7 h 31 m)
Village Time
12:13-15:03 (2 h 50 m)
Travel Time
4 h 41 m

Kitchens all groups

Lesson Taught
building lessons,teach smearing 
How Many Men Attended
How Many Women Attended
Staff Attendees
Suzan Keddi 
Government Attendess
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Healthy and Safe Kitchens 
Suzan went to the village and found the community members already gathered at the meeting place near a mosque. The group chairperson Nabukenya Sarah welcomed her to the village and then opened the meeting with a short prayer. Sarah requested the group to be calm and listen attentively to what Kibo staff was going to teach about. Together they first reviewed about the previous lessons to make sure everyone was on the same page. The new members were also given chance to introduce themselves since it was their first time to come to the program meeting. Suzan introduced smearing to the community and requested each person to try and participate in the lessons for easy learning. She first asked the community why it is important to smear their buildings and if they knew how the activity was carried out. Some of them knew how it was carried out and why it was done but said they were piled with too much work and hardly found enough time to smear their buildings. Kibo staff explained that it’s always healthy to maintain and smear their buildings at least twice or once in a month because it makes the entire home look neat and healthy to live in, smearing blocks all the holes which may attract rats, frogs and snakes to live in. It also stops insects and mosquitoes from entering as well as keeping dust away. She encouraged all the members to begin improving on their facilities by smearing them before the stove building lessons begin and requested them to select any member of their choice where the first smearing demonstration will be conducted in the coming meeting. The community was excited upon the suggested idea and planned to do so. Suzan also taught about all the materials required for building a fuel efficient stove such as anthill dirt, water, two old saucepans,grass, banana stems, jerrycans,baskets for fetching dirt, hoes, shovels and pangas. She explained that all these materials are free and can easily be accessible within their environment. The community was glad about the materials mentioned and one of the members said he thought it would be hard to find the materials required for stove building at first. Kibo staff thanked all the participants for attending the lessons and wished them a happy stay. 
Next Visit
2022-03-07 - Purpose: Practical smearing lessons.
Program Success
Not yet identified
Program Critical Needs
Empower the community with the program skills
Program Ownership
Not yet identified
Other Program Observations
According to observations, some households have got well maintained facilities
Program Expected Of Village
Mobilize themselves for the coming meeting and begin improving on their facilities
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Plan and prepare for the next meeting.

Report Photos

26707 Namusita. Suzan teaching about the importance of smearing buildings and materials used for building the fuel efficient stoves.