Life Skills Education and Counseling - Mpumiro - Mpumiro Primary School

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2022-03-14

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2022-03-15 14:24:31 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-03-15 14:32:45 UTC
Trip Time
09:30-16:30 (7 h 0 m)
Village Time
11:30-14:00 (2 h 30 m)
Travel Time
4 h 30 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling school lesson

Mpumiro Primary School 
Lesson Taught
Steps in Making Good Decision 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson community members know what the bridge model is and the challenges affecting children and teenagers today
Lorna went to Mpumiro primary School to teach about the Bridge model. On arrival at the school however, Lorna found the children were all in the school field practicing for their sports day. However when they saw the car, the Life skills students ran to the Life Skills class. In the class Lorna noticed that there were some students missing however these were some of the top runners in the school and so they were not able to study which was quite unfortunately. Also others had been sent home for school fees and other requirements hence their absenture . In the class room books were given out and pens and thereafter we did a review of the previous lesson which was on Menstraul hygiene and management. After the review Lorna asked the students to remind her of the lesson we were to study today which Brenda mentioned Bridge model. Lorna then asked the class what a bridge is and they mentioned that it is something that gets one from point A to point B. Lorna then told them what a bridge model is that it is the transfer of information to behavior change. She asked the class what were the different sources of information and they mentioned ; news papers, radios, tv stations , village meetings, churches, mosques among others. Lorna mentioned that everyday we hear information about early pregnancies, diseases,politics among others but does that mean everyday teenagers are not getting pregnant, married off early or aborting?. The students mentioned they are. Lorna mentioned everyday we are bombarded with different information on how to avoid certain things but because we don’t use this information to change our behaviors, we find ourselves in traps facing the consequences of our behavior. Lorna then drew a picture of the bridge model where she explained to the the children that information does not necessarily mean change in behaviour but in order to live a healthy long life, we need to put this information to use. We looked at some of the challenges facing young people like; early pregnancy, early marriages, HIV AIDS, school dropout, rape, defilement, Alcoholism , and the consequences . After this we had a role play involving 2 volunteers Lucy and Joseph where Joseph was pressuring Lucy into having sex but despite all the information Lucy had about engaging into early sex, she still went ahead and had sex and got pregnant and Joseph denied the pregnancy. After the play Lorna asked the students what would Lucy have done?, Brenda mentioned she should have said no , and whatever answer they mentioned we put it on the planks on the bridge like ; communication skills, refusal skills, avoiding bad peer groups, saying no to sex, having good role models , HIV /AIDS awareness , good self esteem Among others. Lorna mentioned that all these skills will help them to live positive healthy lives. We also looked at the 3 categories of life skills communication skills that if Lucy stood her ground and said no she would not be pregnant, Decision making if Lucy decided not to go to Joseph’s place she would have escaped the pregnancy, relationship skills that boys and girls can be friends without sex. We will look at these toPics in detail as we go on with the program. Challenge It started raining as soon as Lorna left the class and it was too much that we did not have the lesson in the village. 
Next Visit
2022-03-20 - Purpose: Continue with Bridge model
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Bridge model
Program Ownership
Good participation
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Be on time for students and community members too
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Call prior and prepare notes

Report Photos

27199 During the role play