Life Skills Education and Counseling - Naibowa - new_school

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2022-03-16

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2022-03-17 09:50:42 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-03-17 12:32:52 UTC
Trip Time
10:15-17:20 (7 h 5 m)
Village Time
12:20-15:30 (3 h 10 m)
Travel Time
3 h 55 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Lesson Taught
Dangers of early marriage 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the community is aware and are reminded of the causes and consequences of early marriages
Today the community came rather earlier which was encouraging. The meeting was opened with a word of prayer and thereafter the chairman made a few opening remarks thanked the community for trying to come on time and thanked them for mobilizing each other since he was seeing some new faces. After his remarks, Wakiso came up and asked the community members what our previous lesson was about and Nabirye mentioned that we looked at causes and consequences of early pregnancies. Wakiso asked the group leaders to stand up and remind us what some of their highlights were in their groups of discussion. Sheik, Nabirye, Wakiso were the group leaders and each one of them were able to discuss what they learnt about previously. They did a good job. After the review, Lorna greeted the community members and thereafter mentioned that we were going to look at another lesson early marriages and like the previous lesson, early pregnancy is one of the causes of early marriages. Lorna mentioned that we were going to look at the causes and consequences of early marriages. Lorna started by asking who can define for us early marriages? . Wilber mentioned that it is the marriage between children under 18 years Or a marriage between and adult and a person below 18 years. She also mentioned that in northern Uganda today we are seeing ,hearing on the news about the rise of early marriages and pregnancies and one of the reasons given was that parents are building houses/ huts for their children giving them a lot of freedom in that when its night time and they have gone to sleep, the boys are free to do whatever pleases them and through this they have seen an increase in early pregnancy and early marriages in this part of the country. She mentioned among other reasons were poverty where we see parents giving away their children for whatever reasons sometimes that the girl child will not yield much, others to get through debts. Another reason is for religious beliefs like ; how can one get pregnant out of wedlock so they are forced to cover up by marrying off their children. Lorna then asked them what were other reasons?, they mentioned death of parents, poor performance at school, divorced parents, Alcoholism, weak laws, ignorance on parents as well as the teenagers, lack of education,among others. The community members were mentioning these reasons and giving live examples throughout. We then looked at some of the consequences of early marriages which were; Domestic violence because one party is younger than the other the older one assumes that the younger party is not experienced in anything and therefore cannot make decisions for their marriage and so we find violence in such homes. Badiru mentioned that for the case where both parties are young, there is never development, also that these two will still have shallow minds and everyone wants to be the right one and so they end up living a miserable life, none of them has knowledge on family planning or sexually related diseases hence putting them at risk. Negotiation concerning sex on part of the girl child is hard because they don’t have a say, risk of getting HIV AIDS , shame and ridicule from the community, inexperienced to do any chores on part of the girls which may lead to violence. Poverty was another consequence because both of the parties are unskilled, school dropout among others. It was a great lesson overall but because time had gone, we had to end the lesson. Lorna ended the lesson by telling them early pregnancy and early marriages are a killer and that everyone is a stake holder and should play their part. She mentioned that some of us have been victims of early marriage and it happened and it’s okay but how can we help our future generation going forward. It’s everyone’s responsibility. The community members requested Lorna that they should continue with this lesson in the next visit because these things are happening around the, and that they need to do something or be aware about it. Wakiso thanked the community members for coming and mentioned that it is in such meetings that we learn how to make our homes, children, marriages better and he encouraged them to keep inviting their fellow community members so we learn together. 
Next Visit
2022-03-23 - Purpose: Lorna will be teaching on abstinence, delaying sex.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Decision making
Program Ownership
The people who came previously invited their friends and they increased by 5 new members.
Other Program Observations
They are maintaining their hygiene
Program Expected Of Village
Be on time and having done their homework
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Call prior

Report Photos

27327 This Sheik was so proud at the beginning never wanting to contribute to the topic in the lesson however he is now more participatory.