Life Skills Education and Counseling - Naibowa - new_school

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2022-03-23

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2022-03-24 12:25:40 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-03-24 13:19:40 UTC
Trip Time
10:20-17:20 (7 h 0 m)
Village Time
12:17-15:30 (3 h 13 m)
Travel Time
3 h 47 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Lesson Taught
Delaying Sex 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, community members know why our children, teenagers say yes/ why they should sa6 No and how we can help them.
The meeting started late and this is because it’s a rainy season as most people are busy digging in their gardens. However when the meeting begun, we started with an opening prayer and after that remarks from the chairman and thereafter we did a review of the previous lesson. As usual Wakiso took the community members through the review of the previous lesson which was on causes and dangers of early pregnancy and marriages and possible solutions which went on really well. After the review, we looked at today’s lesson Abstinence. We started by defining what Abstinence was and thereafter Lorna mentioned to the community members that we were going to look at ways to reduce or get rid of the previous challenges of early pregnancy and early marriages to find out why our children say yes to sex and why they should say no and then we will be able to help them. We started by reasons why our teens/ children say yes to sex among which were; admiring things that when a girl admires certain things which can even be Vaseline which the parents can’t buy, they can easily be lured by the opposite sex which in turn they have no choice but pay back through sex, another reason was curiosity where we saw that teens/ children have phones , go to movie places in the community and whatever they watch, they want to copy. Lorna asked whether they had these movie centers in Naibowa and they said yes they do. Other reasons were laxity on the part of the parents to talk to their children or shame ,Another was parents who share rooms with their children and go ahead and have sex not knowing their children are watching and when they get a chance with the opposite sex, they will practice that which they saw. Lorna added other reasons like lack of self esteem, proof of love, consent by both parties, fear of loosing the relationship, effects of alcohol and drugs that arouse their emotions among others. We also looked at reasons for saying no like; fear of parents,religion, fear of pregnancy, fear of dropping out of school, fear of being laughed at , fear of contracting HIV among others. We then looked at how do we help our children Abstain/ delay sex. Lorna mentioned to them that they need to start these conversations early with their children both girls and boys. We need to tell the girls of their values as well as the boys to value the girls and that boys and girls can be friends minus having sex. Lorna added that we need to let them know that their bodies are the lords temple and that they need to keep it pure. Also that sex is meant for procreation and not for fun and they have a lot to loose if they engage in sex at an early age.Lorna added that they also need not to be overly strict on their children to give them a benefit of doubt let them hung out with their friends but be responsible. To let them know that they are responsible for every decision they make. Also other answers were; not accept free gifts, avoid going out with people they don’t trust, being isolated with someone they don’t feel comfortable, say no,to know when it’s time to leave,among others. It was a great lesson we heard new people join us . One man mentioned it was his first time and he has learnt a lot and that he will make it a point to be available for all the other lessons. 
Next Visit
2022-03-30 - Purpose: Teach on Abortion
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Decision making
Program Ownership
Good participation among the members
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
To keep time and encourage others to come too
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Prepare notes for the next meeting , call prior to the meeting

Report Photos

27612 The community members prepared food too and so at the end of the lesson we ate food
27615 Some of the participants at the meeting
27618 Muyodi and Wakiso acting out something in the lesson of the day
27621 We were disrupted when it started to rain as the community members got up to go thankfully the rain wasn’t too much