Life Skills Education and Counseling - Kagulu - new_school

Visit by Manuela Ongyera on 2022-03-23

Report ID
Created by
Manuela Ongyera
Created date
2022-03-22 12:28:29 UTC
Modified by
Manuela Ongyera
Modified date
2022-03-30 05:53:40 UTC
Trip Time
10:06-17:32 (7 h 26 m)
Village Time
12:27-15:15 (2 h 48 m)
Travel Time
4 h 38 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Lesson Taught
HIV/STDs and Mothers 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Ongyera Manuella 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the day, participants will be able to understand the lesson
Purpose of the visit to Kagulu village, Manuela went to this village to review the previous lesson then teach about the Relationship between HIV/ AIDS and STDS. This lesson is aimed at educating participants to understand that it’s important to treat sexually transmitted diseases too so that the white blood cells can continue fighting the virus other than fighting other diseases which may lead to HIV virus to gain host in the body which is not. Manuela welcomed members in the meeting and asked them to keep on coming for Life Skills lessons, Manuela started her lesson by asking one of the participants to review the previous lessons, this man is called Moses , he did a good job explaining the previous lessons. After that, Manuela asked the participants questions about what they learnt previously, few members were able to share their ideas, after that, Manuela introduced the lesson of the day, she asked the participants questions about Sexually transmitted disease, she asked participants do they have cases of STDS, they said yes,too much mostly among the women. Manuela asked the women if they do go the to the hospital for treatment, the women said no, they depends on local herbs, but Manuela encouraged them to go to the hospital. Manuela asked them to mention some of the STDS, they sighted answers like syphilis, Candida Gonorrhea etc. Manuela further explained the way each disease is constructed and how they can be prevented, when Manuela finished explaining to the participants, one of the participants said that they do try to treat some of the disease like syphilis because some of them are born with that disease and it can not be cured, Manuela advised them to go to the hospital and seek for proper medication. After that explanation, Manuela also explained to the participants that it’s important to treat sexually transmitted diseases early enough to avoid chronic infections in their body because it can weaken the immune system that can make the white blood cells to be are overloaded with too much work to fight Virus and at the same time to fight STDS. Finally, Manuela advised the participants to to be careful with STDs, they should always go for urinalysis test and if they are positive they can get medication in time, she asked the participants questions about today’s lesson, they said that they have been able to learn what they don’t know. After that, Manuela gave participants an assignment on HIV and Human right, Manuela thanked them for coming and encouraged them to come in large numbers. 
Next Visit
2022-03-30 - Purpose: On that day, Manuela will teach about HIV/AIDS and Human Right.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
They will be working on their research
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Manuela will be working on the next lesson to teach.

Report Photos

27852 Manuela explained to the participants about the importance of early treatment for STDS.
27855 That man was reviewing the previous lessons.
27858 Manuela reached the village and decided to do home teach reviewing the previous lessons.