Health Education - Bukhudumira

Visit by marianamukose on 2022-04-06

Report ID
Created by
Created date
2022-04-07 06:59:09 UTC
Modified by
Modified date
2022-04-07 13:09:24 UTC
Trip Time
10:04-17:25 (7 h 21 m)
Village Time
12:09-15:18 (3 h 9 m)
Travel Time
4 h 12 m

Health Education Lesson

Health Education 
Lesson Taught
Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Maria went to Bukudumira village the upper section to teach about Family planning, it’s benefits to the mother, father, children and the community at large and clearing the myths about family planning. Members defined family planning with several definitions Sylvia said it is taking tablets daily to control many children, having few children etc. the health educator clarified and said it is the when an individual or a couple decide on the number of children they want to have and the spacing between their births. The types of family planning were discussed, Maria said we have only two types of family planning; 1. the artificial family planning methods. 2. the natural family planning methods. Members were asked by Maria to give the natural family planning methods; Sam said withdraw method, Nabirye said breastfeeding method, safe days among others. Nankwanga shared some of the local ways of preventing pregnancy, putting the used pad in front of the front door. The health educator said that the natural family planning methods are not 100% perfect in preventing pregnancy. The different methods of artificial family planning were also discussed and members mentioned pill plan, implant,IUD,condom for bot female and male etc. Maria demonstrated each method, the duration it takes,and it’s benefits. The condoms are very good because they prevent both pregnancy and the sexually transmitted diseases unlike the other methods. About (IUD) intrauterine device the health educator said that it is sometimes called fit and forget because of the duration it takes. Maria cleared the myths concerning family planning that the members had and some of them were; isn’t true that family planning causes cervical cancer, some methods bring loss of appetite for sex. The health educator explained the causes of cervical cancer; a virus called HPV(human papilloma virus not family planning methods. Members together with the health educator discussed the benefits of family planning to the mother,father, children and the community. And at the end of lesson members were willing to go and seek for artificial family planning methods. 
Partner Program
Health Education 
Lesson Use Examples
Next Visit
2022-04-18 - Purpose: Menstrual hygiene and skin infection.
Program Success
Yes, Following the home to home mobilization, this time men came to attend
Program Critical Needs
More health education lessons are needed
Program Ownership
Women have improved on seeking for immunization
Other Program Observations
One of the members showed the staff his goat that he received from Kibo
Program Expected Of Village
The mobilizers will mobilize the community members for the next health education meeting
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
The staff will prepare the next lesson, she will also call the mobilizers to mobilize the community members.

Report Photos

28221 Bukudumira village upper section, Maria showing members how a condom look like.
28224 Bukudumira village upper section, Maria demonstrating the intrauterine device commonly known as IUD how it is inserted
28227 Bukudumira village Upper section, Maria showing members where the implant is inserted.
28230 Bukudumira village upper section, Maria clearing the myths about Family planning.