Life Skills Education and Counseling - Ikumbya - Ikumbya Primary School

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2022-04-01

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2022-04-14 08:05:33 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2022-04-26 09:52:30 UTC
Trip Time
10:20-17:30 (7 h 10 m)
Village Time
12:20-15:30 (3 h 10 m)
Travel Time
4 h 0 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Ikumbya Primary School 
Lesson Taught
How HIV/ STDs are Transmitted,HIV/STDs Prevention 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Class Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson, community members know preventative methods on to Prevent HIV
When we arrived the village , the community members welcomed us however they mentioned to Lorna that they had lost a child of 10 years the previous day. The family went digging but unfortunately, the hip of soil fell on the child and buried her under and efforts to save the child were in vain. Therefore the leaders mentioned to Lorna that the attendance may not be so good and that I should bare with them. However the community members later agreed to divide themselves where, some came to the meeting whereas others stayed at the funeral home. The meeting started late due to all this but when we started, we started with a word of prayer, communication from the chair and then went straight to the review. We were able to review how HIV is transmitted and focused on the fluids that transmit HIV which were; blood, semen, breast milk and vaginal fluids. After the review, we looked at the topic of today which was on HIV prevention. We defined what prevention is and as for many other things , sicknesses we saw that prevention is better than cure. We entered into a discussion now that we know how HIV is transmitted, how is it prevented. One lady mentioned through using condoms, another mentioned not sharing sharp instruments. Lorna posed a question here and asked if everyone had their own razor blades, safety pins , needles or we share and they were honest to mention that they share and we reminded ourselves about not sharing sharp instruments. Another answer was Abstinence which brought us to the ABCs of HIV prevention. A - being - Abstinence B - being - Being Faithful C - being - Use of condoms. Lorna mentioned that Abstinence is great for our children and non married and that we should encourage our children, teens, youth to always choose this as the best option. Being faithful was the most important to ones partner and then use of condoms. We then looked at condoms the female and male where we discussed myths on condom use and why it’s not 100% effective depending on how it is used and stored. Lorna demonstrated with both the condoms however before this she sent all the children away. The community members were very interested in the female condom because it’s very rare and women shy away from purchasing them. Lorna mentioned there was no need to be ashamed when it came to life. We also talked about Universal precautions of HIV where saw that everyone is a potential victim unles tests are carried out. Lorna distributed gloves and we went through different scenarios on when a glove should be used. For example during delivery at the hospital, cleaning blood, vomit, soiled clothes with blood among others. In The glove game we were able to raise a gloved arm if it was necessary to use with an infected person or not raise a hand where it wasn’t necessary like for example shaking hands with an infected person. 
Next Visit
2022-04-15 - Purpose: Teach on disease progression and positive behavior
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Program Ownership
Great participation
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Attend the meeting ready to learn
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Prepare notes and call prior

Report Photos

28364 Lorna showing the community members how to use a female condom
28367 During the female condom demonstration and how it’s used
28370 Mariam was reminding us of the previous lesson on HIV Transmission
28373 During the glove game under HIV prevention
28376 Also during the glove game on HIV prevention