Health Education - Nawandyo A

Visit by marianamukose on 2022-04-13

Report ID
Created by
Created date
2022-04-14 09:54:01 UTC
Modified by
Modified date
2022-04-14 12:49:02 UTC
Trip Time
10:06-17:47 (7 h 41 m)
Village Time
12:11-15:35 (3 h 24 m)
Travel Time
4 h 17 m

Health Education Lesson

Health Education 
Lesson Taught
Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Maria visited Nawandyo A upper section to teach about Family planning, it’s benefits to the mother, father, children and the community. The definition of family planning was given by several members after, the staff gave a clear definition saying it is when an individual or couple decide on the number of children to have and the time or space in their birth. Maria informed the members that we only have two types of family planning; Natural family planning and artificial family planning. Maria together with the members discussed the different methods of artificial family planning one by one. The staff gave a detailed explanation on every method, the duration, allowing members to share some challenges one may encounter. Members shared their challenges, Paul asked Maria why most women lose appetite for sex when using artificial family planning methods. The staff informed members that some methods are hormonal while others are not and since you’re introducing something new to your body, the reaction may or may not appear. She encouraged members to be romantic to their spouses, creative, prepared and lovely. Maria demonstrated all the artificial family planning methods, showing them every method, explaining to them how it is used. Members shared the benefits of family planning during an interactive discussion with the staff. By the end of the lesson, most people had picked interest in using birth control methods. 
Partner Program
Health Education 
Lesson Use Examples
Next Visit
2022-04-27 - Purpose: To teach about immunization
Program Success
Members are trying to mix foods ( do a balanced diet) following the lesson we had.
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
There is a relationship between the community and the health workers.
Other Program Observations
Members are planting trees.
Program Expected Of Village
The mobilizers will mobilize the community members for the next meeting.
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
The staff will prepare the next lesson and also call the mobilizers to ensure that the village is ready for the next lesson.

Report Photos

28448 Nawandyo A upper section, Maria showing members a female condom.
28451 Nawandyo A Upper section, Maria discussing the benefits of family planning.