Health Education - Bukhudumira

Visit by marianamukose on 2022-05-04

Report ID
Created by
Created date
2022-05-04 14:50:09 UTC
Modified by
Modified date
2022-05-05 11:17:38 UTC
Trip Time
10:08-18:34 (8 h 26 m)
Village Time
12:13-15:46 (3 h 33 m)
Travel Time
4 h 53 m

Health Education Lesson

Health Education 
Lesson Taught
Men Attendees
Women Attendees
Staff Attendees
Government Attendees
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Maria visited Bukudumira village the upper section to teach about communicable diseases and UTI. Examples of communicable diseases, mode of spread and treatment were discussed and signs and symptoms of UTI, prevention and treatment. The meeting started by identifying some of the communicable diseases and Franco gave some; cough, tuberculosis HIV among others. Maria added and gave more communicable diseases measles, Hepatitis A,Band C giving details on each. During the discussion, Members gave the ways through which one can acquire the virus sexual intercourse, food and water., insect and snack bite, droplets from infected person among others. Nabirye shared how her grandson was bitten by a dog, telling the story of a witchdoctor who gave them local herbs. The boy was given medicine from the witchdoctor but there was no cure until when the grandmother took the boy to the hospital for proper management. The staff gave details on how these diseases are transmitted, she encouraged community members to go for vaccination and treatment as most of these diseases are immunized and the vaccines are free in government hospitals. Members with dogs were advised to take them for immunization so that they will not be harmful to people. Furthermore discussion concerning UTI signs and symptoms, mode of spread, and treatment was held. Maria defined UTI as the bacteria that enters through either the vagina or genital part through the Urethra to the bladder and then cause the infection. Eriya gave us several signs in both men and women; women get pain in the pelvic, there is an increased urge to urinate, blood in the urine, and pain while urinating, pain during sex intercourse, members discussed. Maria encouraged members to use condoms while having sex with more than one partner, improve on their personal hygiene and in any case go for treatment as soon as possible. After the meeting, Maria had to speak to a 16 year old young mother, her name is Ruth. Ruth conceived during the period of coronavirus out break. Before conceiving Ruth was sent to Kampala to work as a housemaid. She got a boyfriend who later pregnant her, Ruth was sent back home. Interestingly when Maria was doing a home to home mobilization, she found this girl asked her to come in the health education lessons, Ruth has been an active member since then. Ruth has been an active member March, Yesterday she got a mama kit, Maria advised her to go for antenatal care in the nearby hospital and to prepare for the baby. 
Partner Program
Health Education 
Lesson Use Examples
Community members have embraced taking their children for immunization. 
Next Visit
2022-05-18 - Purpose: To teach about UTI, communicable diseases, and HIV and AIDS.
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
More health education lessons
Program Ownership
Basing on the previous lesson, members have improved on their personal hygiene.
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
The mobilizers will mobilize the community members for next lesson
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
The staff will prepare the next lesson.

Report Photos

29076 Bukudumira village upper section, Maria asking Nolah to give examples of communicable diseases.
29079 Bukudumira village upper section, Maria explaining how communicable diseases are transmitted.
29082 Bukudumira village upper section, Ruth receiving a mama kit from Kibo.