Life Skills Education and Counseling - Bubinga - Kivule Primariy School

Visit by Lorna Katagara on 2020-08-21

Report ID
Created by
Lorna Katagara
Created date
2020-08-24 08:03:39 UTC
Modified by
Lorna Katagara
Modified date
2020-09-10 11:20:13 UTC
Trip Time
10:05-17:30 (7 h 25 m)
Village Time
12:10-15:29 (3 h 19 m)
Travel Time
4 h 6 m

Life Skills Education and Counseling community lesson

Kivule Primariy School 
Lesson Taught
Alcohol and Drug Use 
Girls Attended
Boys Attended
Total Student Attendance
Teachers Attended
Fathers Attended
Mothers Attended
Total Parent Attendance
Staff Attendees
Lorna Katagara 
Government Attendees
School Staff Attendees
Life Skills Teacher 
Visitor Attendees
Total Attendance
Learning Objectives
To understand the reasons for taking Alcohol , the consequences and the solutions.
Introduction Today Lorna went further in Bubinga at the boundary between Kivule LC and Bubinga LC. This boundary is divided by a road. Lorna was here where she taught on the reasons on why both young and older people are abusing Alcohol and the consequences to abusing Alcohol and drugs and what can they do about it. Overview From the last meeting, the chairman informed Lorna that on this particular visit, they would visit the upper section as they complained to him why we don’t reach there. Today’s meeting was therefore carried out in this section. When Lorna arrived there was only the family in this home that were there and so Robinah the lady of this home had to remobilize to inform the people that we had arrived. When some of the community members had arrived, the meeting was opened with a word of prayer and then we went straight into the lesson of the day. In this village there is a bar at the trading center and it is also evident that this activity is ongoing in this village there fore this lesson is to point out the reasons why people are abusing Alcohol and the consequences of their actions and possible solutions. The lesson begun by people sharing stories of different scenarios of people they know on the effects of Alcohol and drugs in their lives. Lorna even gave an example of her own dad and cousin as well but mentioned that there is always a reason why people drink Alcohol. Lorna then asked what these reasons for drinking Alcohol are; One lady mentioned not wanting to work. Lorna asked how and she said that they are lazy and hen they tell them to do anything they don’t want to and they even want to fight you. Lorna however said but if they don’t work how can they get money to drink? . Lorna also mentioned this can work both ways whereby lack of a job or what to do because they do not have a place to Chanel their energy or skills or they have long tried to look for a job but have failed so they tend to resort here. Charles mentioned the kind of friends they have in that if one has friends that abuse alcohol and is always in their company chances are they too will fall victim. Lorna added expectations and pressure from family for example to get a job, to marry and continuous conversations that push people to the wall and end up finding solace in alcohol. Another was parents sending their children to buy Alcohol, growing up in a family where Alcohol is brewed , health reasons, stress from work, family, lack of motivation among others. The consequences looked at were; death whereby this comes about by over consumption. Lorna joked about some people helping God bring nearer their death infact He is shocked how this person died earlier why because it gets to damage their body organs like liver, lungs, brain etc. Another consequence was theft Lorna mentioned her cousin would even sell their shoes just so he could have something, stealing hens, selling of their property under the influence, some have run mad, become violent ,cases of rape and defilement where we have seen people doing this under the influence. We have heard and seen cases where people have become a nuisance in the community abusing people, spending less time with their families which has an effect on their children when a father returns home always drunk, loss of appetite, Domestic violence, among others . Some solutions to this were; to avoid bad peer groups whereby one should not do what they are not comfortable doing. Therefore it is okay to cut oneself from such groups whether young or old. Seeking counsel from someone who has been there before or from a professional, communication that is to say talking out what is bothering you to someone so that a solution is got. Prayer is key seeking God for help to stop drinking Alcohol, Finding other social activities to engage in, finding accountability partners, change of environment among others.. Conclusion About the youth that are doing drugs and alcohol in the community, Lorna encouraged the chairman and the whole community to set a meeting,come up with laws so as to curb this vice before the numbers increase and it becomes a problem to the young generation in this village. Also looking out for activities that these youth can indulge in to keep their minds off these drugs. Lorna concluded by saying Over consumption of alcohol is harmful to ones health and if they can avoid it great if they can’t to drink responsibly and also not in the presence of their children. 
Next Visit
2020-09-11 - Purpose: Continue with previous lessson Alcohol and drug Abuse with a different group
Program Success
No cases of domestic violence, good relationships in the homes in this community especially between wives and husbands as reported by the woman councilor that the cases she’s receiving are less compared to before.
Program Critical Needs
Decision making Skills.
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Good mobilization
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit
Call prior and also prepare lesson for the day.

Report Photos

12916 On going lesson on Alcohol and Drug abuse