Water Sanitation and Hygiene - Kisiro - Namutumba

Visit by Tom Ngobi on 2019-02-18

Report ID
Created by
Tom Ngobi
Created date
2019-02-19 12:10:39 UTC
Modified by
Tom Ngobi
Modified date
2019-02-19 12:32:58 UTC
Trip Time
10:00-17:40 (7 h 40 m)
Village Time
12:25-15:30 (3 h 5 m)
Travel Time
4 h 35 m

Household visits

Which Survey
WASH Third Survey 
Number Of Households
Visits Purpose
To carry out the final evaluation 
Staff Attendees
Tom Ngobi 
Government Attendees
Tom made a visit to kisiro village to carry out a final evaluation in the section that had remained. Before he set off for the village, he tried to reach the numbers but failed. He traveled to the village and when he reached the village, some of the committee members were in the trading center and came to meet Tom. Tom asked the committee members how the village was doing especially those homes that were still found without latrines during the first round of the final evaluation. One of the committee members said there were two homes in his section that have started digging pits for the latrines while another committee member said in his section, there was one newly finished latrine. But, there was a big concern from some members as there is one village leader the chairman of one,section who up to now has not finished the latrine for his second home. Tom encouraged the committee members to involve other leaders of other sections to speak to him. After, there was one committee member who broke the bad news of a death in the village after Tom suggested that he wanted to conduct the final evaluation in that section of the village. Tom together with two committee members made a visit to the home to greet the family that lost a beloved one. Tom and the committee members were there for a little while and after Tom discussed with the committee members of the next visit. They all suggested a day next week and Tom said he will call to share with them about the day when he will be going so that they are present for the evaluation. After Tom left for jinja. 

Current State

Participation Rating
There are more new latrimes in the village especially the lower section 
Village Critical Needs
Village Action Steps
The village leaders to continue checking on the homes still with no latrines 
Staff Action Steps
To prepare to conduct the final evaluation 
CLTS Progress
Working on CLTS Program 
Sanitation Hygiene Committee
Water Users Committee
Other Class Notes
Community Ownership
Ownership Story
Three Stone Fires
Access to Clean Water
Open Defecation
Water Access Explain
Most residents get their water from the swamp and ponds 
Prevent Ownership
Allow Ownership
Village Notes
There was a funeral in the section that Tom wanted to carry out the evaluation in and therefore he postponed the evaluation for another day 
Next Visit
2019-02-25 - Purpose: To conduct final evaluation
Program Success
Program Critical Needs
Program Ownership
Other Program Observations
Program Expected Of Village
Program Staff Preparations Next Visit